As reported recently the date for the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) to be replaced by the Financial Conduct Authority draws closer; to be exact the 1st April 2019. Claims Management Companies (CMC) who wish to continue trading must register for ...
Discy Latest Articles
Should I sell My Unwanted Timeshare?

At, we hear from many unhappy timeshare owners looking for a way out of their timeshare. A very common question is, should I, or can I sell my unwanted timeshare? Like everything else to do with timeshare, selling timeshare ...
The Real Cost Of Timeshare

There is no ‘one price fits all’ when it comes to timeshare. The price of timeshare can vary due to a variety of reasons. Here at we have detailed some of the factors that determine what the cost of ...
Persuasion Secrets in Timeshare

The idea of having regular holidays in paradise year after year is a huge reason why many people purchase timeshare. Knowing that they will never have to scour the internet or visit a travel agent again to find the perfect ...
Why Can’t I Just Hand Back My Timeshare?

It’s a common question that most timeshare owners ask. There can be many reasons that timeshare owners can no longer use or no longer want their timeshare. Circumstances can change over the years. We all get older, our health deteriorates, ...