A timeshare paid for with a loan when paid off. Who owns it, the loan company or the ‘purchaser’. That is, is the seller paid for it upfront via the loan company, so the seller no longer owns it? So ...Read more
Discy Latest Questions
My husband died 2 years ago and I am 81 years and can not travel to Tenerife or afford to pay the maintenance each year I have constantly requested that Club Hotel sell the timeshare and pay the amount outstanding ...Read more
I relinquished my time share 10 years ago do I still owe maintenance fees
Our solicitors say they will provide a notarised letter stating that our timeshare contract with MGM has been terminated and that under no circumstances should I contact MGM – if they contact me for unpaid maintenance payments I should ...Read more
I’m selling my timeshare week in Scotland do I need a lawyer to transfer title to the buyer?
Hi Are there any lawyers who take on mis -sold Timeshare claims against companies like Marriot on a no win no feee basis?
I need to know the right to cancel the timeshare