There are an increasing number of successful cases in which people who claim compensation against timeshare resorts have won. However, there are particular criteria that your case must meet in order to be eligible. The good news is that recent ...
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4 legal facts you never knew about timeshare companies

4 legal facts you never knew about timeshare companies 1. Until 1994, there was almost no regulation on the activities of timeshare companies It was only on the 26th October 1994 that the European Communities passed The European Directive 94/47/E ...
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Unwanted timeshare agreements and the Spanish law

Unwanted timeshare agreements & the Spanish law Timeshare Law is a bit of a minefield, but now is a better time than any for those who are stuck in unwanted timeshare agreements. Recent changes to the laws surround timeshare agreements ...
On: Posted in Law & Legal Information
What you need to know about timeshare law

Timeshare law is an historically complicated practice. In recent years, we have seen laws passed in an attempt to hand some power back to the victims of the immoral practices of timeshare companies. However, knowing about timeshare law in the ...