Hi There, please can you explain to me what are timeshare maintenance fees?
Discy Latest Questions
Because of Covid-19 I am really struggling to pay my maintenance fees, what will happen if I stop paying it?
Can my partner sell my timeshare without me siging over the deads? I have signed a POA form but had never seen the original contract with the original company hired by her to sell our timeshare.
I purchased a timeshare from Silverpoint around 8 years ago and was sold on the benefits of it being like a financial investment that would grow financially over time and would be great for our kids. Is that correct?
Do I need a lawyer if I don’t want my timeshare anymore?
Hi, My mother has a timeshare with Anfi in Gran Canaria and I’m trying to understand what the yearly fee is used for. Over the years the fees have gone up considerably and my mum is on her ...Read more
I have a claim against First Holiday Finance (CLC Fractional misselling ) with FOS since Sep 2019 with no further progress advised . Can I engage alternatively with you for a section 140 against First Holiday Finance