European Consumer Claims are an international timeshare claims and relinquishment firm with offices in the USA, Spain and the UK. With over 150 staff, and an enviable business track record stretching back to the company’s inception in 2016, ECC are ...
Discy Latest Articles
Can I simply stop paying my maintenance fees?

This is a question that occurs with alarming regularity. In general, our advice would be that it’s never a good idea to just stop paying maintenance fees. Given that both timeshare developers and resorts rely heavily on receiving annual maintenance ...
The Ever Increasing Cost of Maintenance Fees

As a timeshare owner you are obviously aware of your contractual liability to pay annual maintenance fees. It has always surprised us that most resorts send out the annual bill just before Christmas. We are sure that you would agree ...

Tens of millions of pounds in timeshare compensation awards are currently being processed in the courts of Spain – the average claim being around £20-£25k. As a result of this and the huge influx of new claims being processed, Timeshare companies ...
Can You Cancel A Timeshare?

If you are unhappy with your timeshare because you are paying out more than you can afford or not getting the service you paid for, then the first point of contact should be direct with the resort to give them ...