What are the legal costs involved in selling timeshare, escrow fees, etc?
Discy Latest Questions
Hi, I had a time share week in the USA, which back in 2018 or before, we contacted the company and asked to relinquish our week as we didn’t use it, I had no paperwork from them so I presumed ...Read more
How do I relinquish diamond points
Signed contract in Spain with Club La Costa. Did not want to proceed but kept us there for 8 hours trying to sell. Finally convinced us in Feb 2007 to sign. My husband was ill at ...Read more
Do I have to obtain a land registry document in order to confirm that we no longer holders of club le Costa vacation club points?
Am I legally bound to pay my maintenance fee even though I was unable to visit my apartment at Los clevalas due to Covid ?
I have a timeshare with Hilton and haven’t made payments on it since Covid and now I have received a letter saying they are suing me. It also says that they can take my personal property etc. pls help! Thank ...Read more