This is a question that occurs with alarming regularity. In general, our advice would be that it’s never a good idea to just stop paying maintenance fees. Given that both timeshare developers and resorts rely heavily on receiving annual maintenance ...
Discy Latest Articles
How RCI Timeshare Works

RCI is not a timeshare company. It is a timeshare exchange broker, which means that it allows members to exchange their usual timeshare week and resort for a holiday in another resort, perhaps in a completely different destination to that ...
The A-Z Of Timeshare Terms You Need To Know

The world of timeshare is full of very specific terms that might be confusing to anyone not within the industry. In our constant quest to keep things clear and simple, we’ve put together this, rather exhaustive, guide to the A ...
Why Is It So Hard To Cancel A Timeshare?

Our clients come to us, more often than not, because they simply wish to look for answers about their timeshare options. They may have had the timeshare for not very long at all, whereas others have been taking their holidays ...
A Simple Guide To Timeshare Maintenance Fees

Skip to section: What Are Timeshare Maintenance Fees? Do My Timeshare Maintenance Fees Depend On My Week? Why do my maintenance fees keep increasing? What If I Don’t Trust The Timeshare Maintenance Fees I Am Charged? I Am Dissatisfied With ...
What Is Timeshare Week 53?

The average Western calendar year has 52 weeks, as most of us know. However, in the world of timeshare, you may come across a peculiar phenomenon… a fifty-third week of the year: ‘Week 53’. The timeshare annual calendar always begins ...
What’s The Difference Between Timeshare And Fractional Ownership?

Many people view fractional ownership as a type of timeshare. In short, however, it is very different. Fractional ownership is more like what we see regularly these days in ‘property crowdfunding’, a successful industry wherein several people each own a ...
When Is Timeshare A Good Idea?

Because our business is to help people with their timeshare issues, most of our blog posts seem sometimes to focus on the bad side of the industry. However, there is another side to the story, the side with thousands of ...
Why Are Timeshare Resales So Cheap?

Buying a timeshare from the developer or resort is expensive, not just in terms of the initial outlay, which is usually in the £10,000s, but also the cost of annual maintenance fees. So, when it comes to selling it on, ...
How Much Does Timeshare Cost?

How much does timeshare cost? Well, how long is a piece of string?! The cost of a timeshare depends on a wide range of factors. Firstly, there’s the matter of the size and quality of the timeshare unit itself, and ...