Can my partner sell my timeshare without me siging over the deads? I have signed a POA form but had never seen the original contract with the original company hired by her to sell our timeshare.
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Hello we decided to take a time share out with clc world and there was a cooling of period of 14 days we decided to cancel it and sent a letter to the loan people which was hitachi at the ...Read more
We have had a timeshare for 42 years, And the freeholder has written to us saying that he has sold the complex and we will receive an amount calculated by him based on the amount he has agreed ...Read more
We were told that Azure went into liquidation do we still have to continue paying our yearly fees and the loan fee? We are not getting the benefit of the product so we think we are being ripped off? We ...Read more
I have been told I will not get my compensation as they are based in Andora. Is this right?
We have CLC membership and haven’t been able to use it as expected/promised. We have currently got it up for sale but no luck yet. However, our circumstances changed over 2 years ago and we are no longer homeowners. Does ...Read more