RCI is not a timeshare company. It is a timeshare exchange broker, which means that it allows members to exchange their usual timeshare week and resort for a holiday in another resort, perhaps in a completely different destination to that ...
Discy Latest Articles
The A-Z Of Timeshare Terms You Need To Know

The world of timeshare is full of very specific terms that might be confusing to anyone not within the industry. In our constant quest to keep things clear and simple, we’ve put together this, rather exhaustive, guide to the A ...
Why Is It So Hard To Cancel A Timeshare?

Our clients come to us, more often than not, because they simply wish to look for answers about their timeshare options. They may have had the timeshare for not very long at all, whereas others have been taking their holidays ...
Bankruptcy and Timeshare

In this post, we will fill you in on what to do in two situations related to bankruptcy and timeshare. In the first part, we will consider the course of action to be taken should you find yourself needing to ...
The Timeshare, Holiday Products, Resale and Exchange Contracts Regulations 2010

If you are considering beginning a legal case against your timeshare company, it is difficult to start without knowing the regulations in relation to timeshare contracts, to see if yours meets the requirements. The Timeshare, Holiday Products, Resale and Exchange ...
A Simple Guide To Timeshare Maintenance Fees

Skip to section: What Are Timeshare Maintenance Fees? Do My Timeshare Maintenance Fees Depend On My Week? Why do my maintenance fees keep increasing? What If I Don’t Trust The Timeshare Maintenance Fees I Am Charged? I Am Dissatisfied With ...
Understanding Timeshare Fraud

Skip to section: Beware of Cyber Fraud and Timeshare Beware of Phoney Timeshare Legal Firms What Is A Timeshare Ponzi Scheme? Bogus Bonus Timeshare Week Calls: How To Spot A Scam Timeshare Resale Fraud What Is “Double Dip” Timeshare Fraud? ...
Timeshare Compensation Claims: What You Need To Know

There are an increasing number of successful cases in which people who claim compensation against timeshare resorts have won. However, there are particular criteria that your case must meet in order to be eligible. The good news is that recent ...
The Ultimate Guide To Timeshare Law

Timeshare law is complicated. Though there is certainly an element of general contract law that applies, there are much more intricate aspects to timeshare law that are specific to this area. Timeshare law is convoluted and fluid, always adapting and ...
Different Types of Timeshare Guide

In your search for more information about timeshares, you may have gathered that there are several different types. It can be confusing working out the difference between these types. Some offer more flexibility or are more cost-effective, others may be ...