Our clients come to us, more often than not, because they simply wish to look for answers about their timeshare options. They may have had the timeshare for not very long at all, whereas others have been taking their holidays ...
Discy Latest Articles
The Ultimate Guide To Timeshare Law

Timeshare law is complicated. Though there is certainly an element of general contract law that applies, there are much more intricate aspects to timeshare law that are specific to this area. Timeshare law is convoluted and fluid, always adapting and ...
How To Get Out Of Timeshare

Timeshares are notoriously hard to shake. Some can legally bind you to a contract for up to fifty years, and others will tie you up in knots just to stop you from trying to break free. So if you want ...
What You Need To Know About Timeshare Mis-Selling

Whilst plenty of people across the world enjoy great holidays with their timeshare, there are many others for whom timeshare has become a burden, a nuisance, or worse. Unfortunately, even some of the biggest timeshare companies have been known to ...
Can I Get Timeshare Release?

Can I get timeshare release? Many people are unhappy with their timeshares – perhaps more than are happy with them. But sadly, so many are just soldiering on, unconvinced that timeshare release is really possible. To those people, we stress ...
Inheriting Timeshare: What You Need To Know
Inheriting Timeshare: What You Need To Know Many people are keen to be rid of their timeshare and not pass it on to their children, often taking on legal representation in order to get the contract annulled. Others, however, are ...
Hounded On Holiday: Timeshare Harassment And What To Do

Hounded On Holiday: Timeshare Harassment And What To Do There have been recent reports of people being hounded on holiday by cold-calling and general timeshare harassment. Those who have suffered this awful treatment are not only timeshare holders, who may ...
Do you really need a timeshare lawyer?

Do you really need a timeshare lawyer? The short answer is yes. The long answer, of course, involves giving you the reasons why you do need a timeshare lawyer if you plan to mount a successful case. Cheated timeshare holders ...
3 Things A Good Timeshare Lawyer Will Refuse To Do
3 Things A Good Timeshare Lawyer Will Refuse To Do There is a difference between a good timeshare lawyer and a bad one. If you are embarking on a timeshare legal claim, it’s important that you hire the services of ...
4 legal facts you never knew about timeshare companies

4 legal facts you never knew about timeshare companies 1. Until 1994, there was almost no regulation on the activities of timeshare companies It was only on the 26th October 1994 that the European Communities passed The European Directive 94/47/E ...