This is a question that occurs with alarming regularity. In general, our advice would be that it’s never a good idea to just stop paying maintenance fees. Given that both timeshare developers and resorts rely heavily on receiving annual maintenance ...
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Bankruptcy and Timeshare

In this post, we will fill you in on what to do in two situations related to bankruptcy and timeshare. In the first part, we will consider the course of action to be taken should you find yourself needing to ...
On: Posted in Claims
Timeshare Compensation Claims: What You Need To Know

There are an increasing number of successful cases in which people who claim compensation against timeshare resorts have won. However, there are particular criteria that your case must meet in order to be eligible. The good news is that recent ...
On: Posted in Claims
How To Get Out Of Timeshare

Timeshares are notoriously hard to shake. Some can legally bind you to a contract for up to fifty years, and others will tie you up in knots just to stop you from trying to break free. So if you want ...